
MAO is launching an open call for participation in 25th Biennial of Design.

The Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO, Ljubljana) launched the open call for participation in FARAWAY, SO CLOSE – 25th Biennial of Design, curated by editor and curator Angela Rui and MAO curator Maja Vardjan. The open call is dedicated to designers, architects, filmmakers, graphic designers, interaction designers, illustrators, writers, animators, photographers, researchers and other interdisciplinary agents who see the biennial as an experimental, collaborative platform for testing, developing and sharing their own approaches and expertise around the issues and structure of the new biennial format.

From 25 May to 29 October 2017, FARAWAY, SO CLOSE will present seven local interventions under the main exhibition umbrella. For this, seven creative figures from Slovenia have been selected for their projects outside the field of design and paired with international designers to form a team. Selected participants will work within these teams and together they will use design and architecture as tools for investigating contemporary issues. 

The teams are: Andrej Detela and Studio Formafantasma on UNDERGROUND RELEASE, Matej Fegus and Matali Crasset on OCCUPYING WOODS, Iztok Kovac and Point Supreme on AFTER UTOPIA, Mojca Kumrdej and Didier Faustino on BRAND NEW-COEXISTENCE, Klemen Kosir and studio mischer’traxler on COUNTRYSIDE RELOADED, Renata Salecl and studio Folder on RESILIENCE OF THE PAST, and Marin Medak and Odo Fioravanti on NEW HEROES.

By testing disciplines outside their comfort zone, FARAWAY, SO CLOSE will present possible scenarios that address global as well as local issues.

Application deadline: 10 July 2016
Kick-off event: 15 September 2016, Ljubljana
More information and application: https://bio.si/en/

source: press release

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