
Állások a szektorban rovatunk hirdetési lehetőségeiért keressétek értékesítőinket az info@octogon.hu címen!

The GA Group is an international design practice specializing in interior design for the luxury hotel segment. If you are interested in this dynamic field and in particular the task of selecting and specifying furniture and fittings for these luxury environments, then consider joining our team in Budapest that undertakes rewarding high quality projects worldwide. 

We are looking for an experienced designer that understands hospitality interiors projects.
The proposed position is for a Furniture, Fittings and Equipment (FF&E) Designer/Specifier

Required skills and experience:

  • Able to work across all stages of interior design projects from initial briefing, through concept and documentation to installation/completion  
  • Experienced in the preparation of presentations, concept mood boards, and sample packs
  • Experience of FF&E selection, specification & time management for deadlines
  • Running of multiple interior projects under supervision 
  • Have a solid ability in both written and spoken English 
  • Knowledge of furniture design and carpets, selection and detailing
  • Interest in art and design 
  • Experience in Photoshop and PowerPoint 

Our Budapest office has won the Gold Key Award in New York for the Bomonti Hilton Hotel Istanbul while The Presidential Suite of The Ritz-Carlton Budapest Hotel – designed by our team – has been chosen among the 10 most luxurious new suites around the world.

If you are interested in the position please check out our website at www.thega-group.com and submit an application together with your CV and portfolio in English to Ms. Agota Siroki via email at asiroki@thega-group.com



Ha tetszett a cikk, és szeretnél előfizetni magazinunkra, itt teheted meg.

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Kávé és képzelet

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